Remembering those left behind...
Today marks another one month milestone: one month ago today, we arrived HOME to America with Toby! One month ago tonight, we were wearily making our way to Utah after being awake and traveling for 36 hours...and we've had a month of learning what it means to be a family, to begin to help Toby heal after almost 11 years in an orphanage...and of still being tired. So tired that I sometimes have no energy to write at all. But I haven't forgotten. I haven't forgotten the little ones we left behind in Toby's orphanage. You see that precious bunch of boys? Those were the FIVE orphans left in Toby's institution. Toby is tucked into his forever family. The little one in the green sweater? That is sweet Wetherby - and his Mama is in country right now getting ready for her court date! He will soon be tucked into his forever family!!! But the other three....oh those precious little boys. I was only allowed to see them twice and very ...